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Slim Formula

Calivita Slim Formula
Para adelgazar
90 tabletas

Los que no están satisfechos con su cuerpo se preocupan de su figura desaventajada primero, y los puntos de vista de la salud son generalmente secundarios par ellos. El peso ideal es importante no sólo en el buen estado general, sino en nuestra salud, también. El Slim Formula puede facilitar el éxito de la dieta para reducir la masa corporal por sus componentes, que son suplementos dietéticos.
Cantidad en inventario:
32.90 €
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Slim Formula - extracto de té verde, nopal, L-carnitina, cromo y Garcinia cambogia para adelgazar

Slim Formula
Fórmula de pérdida de peso

El Slim Formula es un producto complejo, que promueve la pérdida de peso, y puede ayudar a incrementar el metabolismo y controlar la ingesta de energía. El té verde y el jengibre  estimulan suavemente el metabolismo y el pensamiento por su contenido antioxidante, reducen la fatiga, la que es a menudo acompañante de la dieta. La L-carnitina puede ayudar a quemar grasa durante actividad física, el cromo reduce los antojos de dulces, a la vez las fibras del nopal dan una sensación de saciedad.

¿A quién y para qué lo recomendamos?
  • Para complementar la dieta de pérdida de peso,
  • para cambiar el de estilo de vida, para facilitar el cambio.

Razones por las que se debe elegir los productos de CaliVita

  • La CaliVita ha ofrecido productos que conformen con los estándares de calidad más altos desde hace más de 30 años, con unatrayectoria profesionalexcepcional.
  • Siempre nos esforzamos por utilizar ingredientesnaturalesde las mejores fuentes.
  • Durante el desarrollo trabajamos con las formas de lamejor absorción, porejemplo, las formas orgánicas.
  • Ofrecemos garantía decalidad de 100% en nuestros productos.
  • Nuestros productos se someten a una prueba múltiple para asegurar la continuidad de la alta calidad.

food supplement Calivita Slim Formula

90 tabletas


3x1 tableta al día

Ingredientes activos de Slim Formula

Té verde (std. 95% polyphenols) 50 mg
Fibras del Nopal 100 mg
L-Carnitine 40 mg
Hinojo 40 mg
Curcuma 25 mg
Zingiber 50 mg
Cromo 50 mcg
Lecitina 25 mg
Garcinia Cambogia (std. 50% HCA) 100 mg

stabilizer: calcium phosphates (dicalcium phosphate), stabilizer: microcrystalline cellulose, powdered Nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica), Garcinia cambogia, green tea leaf extract (Camelia sinensis), ginger, lecithin (soybean), L-carnitine hydrochloride, seeds fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), turmeric (Curcuma longa), anti-caking agent: fatty acids (stearic acid), anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids (magnesium stearate), chromium picolinate (from soybean).
  • You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner, before taking any supplement.
  • This product is for adults only, and should not be used during pregnancy or nursing.
  • Consult with your doctor before using this product if you suffer from insomnia or hypertension, or are at risk of, or being treated for high blood pressure, or any type of cardiovascular condition.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Slim Formula, Calivita, effective weight loss
Slim Formula
food supplement

Weight control, effective weight loss

Often people dissatisfied with their figure are worried about their appearance and forget about the health aspect. Ideal body weight is not only important for your well-being, but also for your health. Slim Formula is a rich formula containing green tea extract, nopal, L-carnitine, fennel seeds, turmeric, ginger, chromium, lecithin and Garcinia cambogia.

How do the active ingredients of Slim Formula work?

  • contribute to the reduction of hunger (hydroxycitric acid from Garcinia cambogia)
  • take part in maintaining the correct level of blood lipids (hydroxycitric acid from Garcinia cambogia)
  • have a positive effect on fat metabolism (nopal, chromium)
  • help to control blood glucose levels (nopal, chromium, hydroxycitric acid from Garcinia cambogia)
  • transport molecules of long-chain fatty acids to the mitochondrion of the cell (L-carnitine)
  • take care of maintaining the correct cholesterol level (green tea extract)
  • have antioxidant properties (green tea extract)

Who do we especially recommend?

  • People who care about maintaining a healthy body weight.
  • People on a slimming diet.
  • To all people who eat irrationals.

Did you know that ... lecithin is a choline-containing phospholipid - a compound supporting fat metabolism?

Greater effectiveness of a slimming diet

The ideal body mass is important not only for a feeling of well-being but also for our health. Owing to its ingredients, Slim Formula may contribute to the effectiveness of a weight loss diet.

Green tea extract
Green tea contains stimulants which safely and mildly increase metabolic rate, resulting in an increase in resting calorie expenditure and thermogenesis. Its high content of polyphenols means it is also an effective antioxidant, helping to protect the cells from harmful effects caused by free radicals.

Cochineal (nopal or prickly pear) cactus
Aside from containing an abundance of vitamins and minerals, cochineal cactus is rich in both soluable and insoluable fiber. By its excellent ability to absorb and retain water, fiber from cochineal may help give a feeling of fullness. This, in turn, may help support a reduction in caloric intake.

This amino acid derivative plays an important role in fat metabolism. It helps to release long chain fatty acids from adipose tissue, and transport them across the cell membrane to the mitochondria, where they can be oxidized for energy.

Lecithin is a good source of the lipotrope choline. Lipotropes play an important role in fat metabolism, helping to break down cholesterol into essential fatty acids, and helping to transport them out of the liver.

Studies have suggested that chromium may play a role in more efficient fat and carbohydrate metabolism. It is thought to do this by enhancing the utilization of insulin, the hormone responsible for transporting these nutrients into individual cells to be oxidized for energy.

Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is a shrub native to Southeast Asia. Its fruit is particularly rich in hydroxycitrate acid (HCA), and studies have suggested that HCA may be useful as an apetitie suppressant. There also have been some indication that HCA may be helpful in inhibiting lipogenesis, the conversion of excess carbohydrates into fat.

Reseñas sobre Calivita Slim Formula

Slimming diet
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See also other CaliVita products supporting weight loss

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Slim Formula
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