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60 capsulas

preparación regeneradora de soporte hepático
Cantidad en inventario:
0.00 €
Calivita #partyUp
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#partyUp apoya el hígado y reduce los signos de la resaca


¿A quién y para qué lo recomendamos?

Razones por las que se debe elegir los productos de CaliVita

  • La CaliVita ha ofrecido productos que conformen con los estándares de calidad más altos desde hace más de 30 años, con unatrayectoria profesionalexcepcional.
  • Siempre nos esforzamos por utilizar ingredientesnaturalesde las mejores fuentes.
  • Durante el desarrollo trabajamos con las formas de lamejor absorción, porejemplo, las formas orgánicas.
  • Ofrecemos garantía decalidad de 100% en nuestros productos.
  • Nuestros productos se someten a una prueba múltiple para asegurar la continuidad de la alta calidad.

Calivita: #partyUp


#partyUp ingredientes activos

Other ingredients
Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, rice concentrate, silica.

#partyUp does not prevent alcohol poisoning! Please make sure you consume alcohol responsibly! Do not consume alcohol during pregnancy or nursing!

#partyUp is the unique combination of natural vitamins, minerals, amino-acids, antioxidants and herbs. Its active ingredients help the body to cope with the strain caused by alcohol. Its active ingredients synergically support the functioning of the liver and reduce the signs of hangover (lack of concentration, dehydration, tiredness, discomfort), thus soothing the digestive and nervous system, helping concentration and replacing the depleted minerals. *

The capsule does not contain artificial additives and it is consumable for vegetarians.

On the occasion healthy young adults consume alcohol in order to help the detoxifying process of the liver and reduce the signs of hangover.
  • Complex
  • Free of chemical stimulants
  • Caffeine free
  • Free of artificial additives
  • Also for vegetarians

  • Did you know that 76% of people on average struggle with some form of “hangover” after a nights’ drinking? **
  • #partyUp contains no artificial additives

* Red ginseng relieves the effects of alcohol consumption and hangover symptoms in healthy men: a randomized crossover study – Lee et al., Food Funct., 2014, 5, 528; Interventions for preventing or treating alcohol hangover: systematic review of randomised controlled trials - Max H Pittler et al., BMJ. 2005 Dec 24;331(7531):1515-8. ; Ginger in gastrointestinal disorders: A systematic review of clinical trials – Bodagh et al., Food Sci Nutr. 2019 Jan; 7(1): 96–108.; Antioxidant Treatment and Alcoholism - Camila S. Silva, PhD et al., in Molecular Aspects of Alcohol and Nutrition; Cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica): A Review on its Antioxidants Properties and Potential Pharmacological Use in Chronic Diseases - Ulises Osuna-Martínez et al., Nat Prod Chem Res 2014, 2:6
**The Incidence and Severity of Hangover the Morning after Moderate Alcohol Intoxication – Howland et al., Addiction. 2008 May ; 103(5)

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