Organic Noni
jugo de noni orgánico con frutas orgánicas
La Morinda citrifolia (su nombre polinesio: noni) es una fruta exótica y única, que contiene muchos nutrientes esenciales. El Polinesian Noni y el Organic Noni son productos de apoyo de salud complejos, ricos en vitaminas, minerales, y aminoácidos. Apoyan el funcionamiento saludable de las células y la división celular, también reducen los procesos inflamatorios en el cuerpo. Contribuyen a la función desintoxicante del hígado, así como tienen un efecto antibacteriano, antiviral y antifúngico. Las frutas de Organic Noni originadas de granjas ecológicas certificadas son saboreadas por frambuesa de cultivo orgánico. Mientras que el Polinesian Noni viene de la naturaleza virgen, el Organic Noni de granjas orgánicas certificadas.
Organic Noni - jugo de noni orgánico - Morinda citrifolia
La Morinda citrifolia (su nombre polinesio: noni) es una fruta exótica y única, que contiene muchos nutrientes esenciales. El Polinesian Noni y el Organic Noni son productos de apoyo de salud complejos, ricos en vitaminas, minerales, y aminoácidos. Apoyan el funcionamiento saludable de las células y la división celular, también reducen los procesos inflamatorios en el cuerpo. Contribuyen a la función desintoxicante del hígado, así como tienen un efecto antibacteriano, antiviral y antifúngico. Las frutas de Organic Noni originadas de granjas ecológicas certificadas son saboreadas por frambuesa de cultivo orgánico. Mientras que el Polinesian Noni viene de la naturaleza virgen, el Organic Noni de granjas orgánicas certificadas.
Organic noni juice (Morinda citrifolia fruit)
Organic white grape juice concentrate (Vitis vinifera fruit)
Organic black cherry juice concentrate (Prunus avium fruit)
Organic pomegranate juice concentrate (Punica granatum fruit)
Other ingredients: natural raspberry flavor, pectin, citric acid, vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
- Para mejorar la resistencia del cuerpo,
- para promover un funcionamiento equilibrado del cuerpo,
- para aumentar y mantener los niveles generales de energía,
- para complementar los procesos de desintoxicación.
- La CaliVita ha ofrecido productos que conformen con los estándares de calidad más altos desde hace más de 30 años, con unatrayectoria profesionalexcepcional.
- Siempre nos esforzamos por utilizar ingredientesnaturalesde las mejores fuentes.
- Durante el desarrollo trabajamos con las formas de lamejor absorción, porejemplo, las formas orgánicas.
- Ofrecemos garantía decalidad de 100% en nuestros productos.
- Nuestros productos se someten a una prueba múltiple para asegurar la continuidad de la alta calidad.
liquid food supplement Calivita: Organic Noni with organic fruits
Ingredientes activos
- Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
- Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
- Keep out of reach of young children.
Keywords: Organic Noni, Calivita, organic noni juice, Morinda citrifolia, proxeronine, the restoration of the body
Organic noni fruit juice
Noni (Morinda citrifolia)
How does noni fruit work?
- strengthen immunitysupport mental performancehave a positive effect on physical performance
The advantages of noni fruit:
- supports the digestive system;
- a positive effect on the immune system;
- supports the cardiovascular system;
- has a positive impact on the joints;
- beneficial with increased stress;
- improves mood.
Who do we especially recommend?
- All people who want to positively influence the body's immunity.
- People who want to support the mental and physical performance of the body.
- Subject to stress.
- People who want to gain energy and vitality.
- During body cleansing.
Prokseronin in noni
Eco food
Noni - What makes it organic?
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, “Organic production is a production system integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.”
Of course, the average consumer is not completely aware of the regulations and furthermore, many forums are using this term misleadingly. How can we avoid being misled?
Firstly, we need to know that organic food can only be a food that is stated organic by an approved certifier ensuring the food meets the strict standards. When checking the label, it is advisable to not only look for the term “organic” but the name of the certifier as well.
As consumers are more interested in the “practical” differences between organic and “regular” food we shall now take a closer look at them.
Organic food is made/produced/cultivated without using chemicals such as synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Pesticides can remain in the body and build up in the liver, and are associated with behavioral problems, growth issues, lower cognitive scores in babies, and greater risk of specific chronic diseases in adults such as Parkinson's disease and lymphoma. As for organic meat, eggs, and poultry, animals must not be treated with such veterinary drugs as antibiotics or growth hormones. Bioengineering, gene modification and ionizing radiation are also not allowed.
According to some studies, organic fruits, vegetables and juices may contain more antioxidants, polyphenols, minerals, etc. compared to conventionally grown versions.
Fruits produced at organic farms are more flavorful and nutritious, and according to studies, they seem to have significantly higher antioxidant properties, concentrations of ascorbic acid, and dry matter.
Organic foods are usually more expensive. This is something consumers are painfully aware of and is very often the main reason for rejecting organic food. But why does it cost more?
Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are “cheap” compared to the methodology that organic farmers have to follow. They need to plant certain plants, keeping away harmful plants and insects. Consequently, organic farming is harder work requiring more labour, while organic cultivation produces a lower “yield per acre” ratio. “Normal” cultivation is on a large scale and is “big” business, which means lower than average fixed costs. Organic cultivation on the other hand, usually means small and mid-sized farmers. These factors result in higher production costs.
Non organic cultivation may have more negative effects on the environment. By using chemicals, polluting the air, life waters and soil, they usually do not have to pay for the damage caused to these externalities. It is a paradox that the higher price of organic products also reflects the extra costs of reducing these externalities during production.
Statement: All CaliVita® products are manufactured from the highest quality natural raw materials available. We strive to avoid the usage of industrial or technological processes as well as chemicals that may have a negative effect on the product, consumers and the environment. CaliVita® Organic Noni is from controlled organic cultivation, certified by Organic Certifiers, Ventura CA, USA.