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Shake One - batido adelgazante

Calivita Shake One
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500 gr

polvo de proteína de origen vegetal para apoyar la pérdida de peso corporal
Cantidad en inventario: 3
33.90 €
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Shake One - batido de proteínas para apoyar la pérdida de peso o la construcción de masa muscular

Shake One
Polvo de proteína de origen vegetal para apoyar la pérdida de peso corporal

¿A quién y para qué lo recomendamos?

Razones por las que se debe elegir los productos de CaliVita

  • La CaliVita ha ofrecido productos que conformen con los estándares de calidad más altos desde hace más de 30 años, con unatrayectoria profesionalexcepcional.
  • Siempre nos esforzamos por utilizar ingredientesnaturalesde las mejores fuentes.
  • Durante el desarrollo trabajamos con las formas de lamejor absorción, porejemplo, las formas orgánicas.
  • Ofrecemos garantía decalidad de 100% en nuestros productos.
  • Nuestros productos se someten a una prueba múltiple para asegurar la continuidad de la alta calidad.

food supplement Calivita Shake One

500 gr


Ingredientes activos de Shake One

Shake One
protein shake powder

A smoothie with fiber, vitamins, green coffee and acai

Chocolate or vanilla protein powder, from which you can prepare a tasty dietary cocktail by adding milk or water. Shake One contains protein, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber that promotes weight reduction. Shake One protein-carbohydrate supplement is easily soluble in water or milk. It has been enriched with chitosan, L-carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid, green coffee seed extract, powdered acai berries, enzymes: lactase, papain, bromelain, supporting people on a reduction diet and building a fit figure. The product is intended for adults.

To whom we recommend?

  • Everyone who wants to take care of their figure.
  • People on a reduction diet to supplement it with important substances with a nutritional and physiological effect.
  • In order to support the proper metabolism of macronutrients and maintain proper energy metabolism.
  • After training, for muscle recovery.
  • People who want to maintain and / or increase muscle mass, especially not to lose muscle instead of fat during a reduction diet.
  • For people to strengthen the body's protection against oxidative stress, which is significantly increased during exercise.
  • In order to reduce the feeling of fatigue and weariness that often occurs during reduction diets.
  • People who have a ravenous appetite, in particular those who cannot resist sweets.
  • People who care about the proper level of sugar in the blood.
  • To maintain proper electrolyte balance.
  • For people who want to change their lifestyle to a healthy one easier and more effectively.

How to use Shake One

Serving of cocktail Shake One replaces one of daily meal, is recommended to drink nutritious shake for breakfast and dinner (supper), and the lunch (about 500 kcal) should be consume normally. Light lunch (as in a 500 kcal diet): lean meat, lots of vegetables (steamed or raw), plus cereal. And if you fancy for something sweet, try Burn One. All the details of your diet you will learn from the program guide One Diet, which you will receive free of charge buying Shake One in the promotional package. In the package you will get 2 packages of Shake One, 1 pack of Burn One, fiber Pure Inulin or Nopalin and unique One Diet shaker.

Did you know that, according to a survey conducted among our consumers, giving up sweets is a problem for more than half of people on a slimming diet?

Shake One in the 14-day CaliVita One Diet weight loss program

Shake One

powdered protein cocktail supporting slimming, maintaining a healthy weight and building muscle mass

Protein powder from which you can prepare a tasty diet smoothie by adding milk or water. Shake One contains protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber that promote weight loss.

We recommend it for slimming, maintaining a healthy weight and building muscle mass
Shake One is also a proven solution as:

  • Meal replacement for weight control diets
  • For those who in a healthy way, want to satisfy the desire for sweets without remorse.
  • After training for muscle regeneration.
  • Lifestyle - change in lifestyle.

Shake One is a complete meal replacement
A serving of Shake One shake replaces one meal a day, it is recommended to drink a nutritious shake for breakfast and dinner, while lunches (approx. 500 calories) should be eaten normally. And if you fancy something sweet, try Burn One.

Try other products from the CaliVita One Diet weight loss program

You will learn about all the details of the diet in the One Diet program guide, which you will receive when you buy Shake One in a promotional package. The One Diet package includes 2 Shake One packages, one Burn One package, Pure Inulin or Nopalin fiber and a unique One Diet shaker.
And if you are often on the road or do not have time for normal meal, you can take with you Shake One in handy sachets.

  • Is not recommended taking chromium by pregnant women, nursing mothers and small children.

Keywords: Shake One, protein shake powder, slimming cocktail, weight loss, One Diet Calivita

See also other products of the CaliVita One Diet weight loss program

Burn One and other OneDiet Calivita products

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